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Contact Privacy Inc. Customer 0137816176
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This web site is a compilation of popular South indian vegetarian recipes popular in iyengar homes. Iyengars are South Indian brahmins and are traditionally strict vegetarians. Iyengar cuisine is not only well balanced and healthy, but delicious too. Some of these recipes are very unique to our community while many others are popular throughout South India. Hope you enjoy these recipes as much as I have compiling them. Welcome , Namaskaram! .
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Wednesday, September 26, 2012. Janmashtami celebration from around the world! My readers and family members sent me their Janmashtami celebration pictures. Starting from my home, my humble celebrations. My elder sister Vasudha from Germany. My younger sister Vidya from San Jose, California. My Aunt Asha Rangaraj from Bangalore, India. Mangala Vedanth from Bangalore, India.